Sunday, August 28, 2011

Spiritual Experience During Wings of Desire

Senior year I take this German film class that I ended up absolutely hating.  The teacher is a pretentious bald bastard.  The class is on the other side of fucking campus, and for some reason it felt like it rained every time I went there.  Probably about a half hour walk.  There were your usual characters in a film class, you know the sweaty girl, who wears lederhosen and  does knitting throughout the whole thing.  Answering questions while she is doing it.  Then when she is talking she expects everyone to pay attention to her.  Oh you didn't have that, that's right she was the only chick I ever fucking heard of doing that stupid as hell routine.  The class also sucked because we had a film "lab" where we just watched German movies from different eras.  Which would be great, there are solid German movies, oh except the asshole prof top heavied it with pre 1930 crap with the sound not working half the time for all of them, and the class was on Tuesday's at 8 pm.  Although there was one nice looking girl, she me reminded me of a girl I met that summer.  Didn't say one word to her the whole time though.  One of the movies we had to watch was Wings of Desire, which was remade into the Nic Cage vehicle City of Angels for reference.  It was from the 1980's and I thought it would be decent, German punk rapid, kind of what Run Lola referenced. Slow as fuck.  I was falling asleep throughout.  Most of it was inner monologue, in black white, heavy imagery, shadows, like it was a french student film.  As I'm falling asleep bonking my head all over the place, I slipped into kind of a state between deep sleep and awake, this has happened for a lot of you probably.  Where there is something so real and complete clarity briefly and you are still awake.  As I slink deeper, for about 3-4 seconds the German spoken from the film was making sense and I could understand everything they were saying then I slipped deeper and woke up a couple minutes later.  I only remember the brief German encounter.

 What Happened?
This episode albeit profound in my memory didn't make any sense other than it was messed up in a good way.  Except for about a year later I was looking for apartments in the area.  One was in the country a little bit but across from a lake, it sounded interesting at least.  As it turns out it was owned by this old lady that actually lived downstairs.  It would have been a weird situation, since there was a door from the upstairs to the downstairs that was pretty accessible.  It wasn't built for sound probably, might have been 600 square feet and she was charging $700/month.  The lake ended up being about 200 yards away with no real direct access.  After she showed it to me she invited me downstairs for coffee.  Even though the apartment was a bust she ended up telling me something very profound.  She brought up her belief that our DNA has a memory.  Meaning who knows what kinds of things get passed down from generation to generation, father to son, nightmares, fears, emotions, intuition, soul.  Now I know my family is part German, at least 25%.  what if in this mental haze I was able to refer back to a German gene or relatives memory of some sort and understand it even for a brief period.  Is this what happened?

I still give the movie 3/29

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