Saturday, September 10, 2011

I Miss Chubby Michelle Williams

I might be willing to say nothing beats that first season of Dawson's, and every time Michelle Williams came on, instant boner.  She was this new, out of left field, slutty, voluptuous blonde chick that pissed off Katie Holmes.  Jackie vs. Marilyn type thing except in modern high school so they are more catty.  She also reminded me of a girl I went to high school with at that time too so i was able to kill two birds with one stone.  But now, she is still hot don't get me wrong, but she seems less fun.  Plus you know Heath Ledger just destroyed that thing probably. 

I ended up watching Shutter Island for the third time a week ago and I think I am more confused as ever.  I noticed that the chick he is interviewing, one of the patients.  She asks for a glass of water, raises her hands, but with nothing in it, then you see the empty glass.  What the fuck.  Martin Scorsese, you son of bitch.  He is a sneaky little fucker.  I thought the movie oh blah blah, he is insane the whole time, bravo Scorsese, yet another sleep walking, intense mental institution movie.  But he actually stuck a lot of things in here, pardon my french, that you will notice.  You notice that the Jackie Earl Haley, says certain things like :"You did this" and "It's all a game".  But then you also more reasons that he has to be sane this couldn't be real, and it's like you split your mind in half more and more the more you see..  It's a movie that makes you insane.  This might be Scorsese's biggest, literal mind fuck.  You have to interpret both equally yet some people see either one at full speed.

Some points from this time that make me see more for either on of them.
Insane -
  • I can see the case that none of what happens could be real up until the point in the lighthouse.  Seriously he could have been under deep psychosis inside that little room, inside his mind.  Or some combination of film reel, Clock Work Orange thing. He could have been just coming out of it when he "shot" Ben Kingsley and was half asleep.  That is why the gun goes off and we see blood but nothing happens.  All of it was in his head, only the lighthouse existed.  That is why the gun didn't have bullets.  The guard was genuinely scared outside.  He would know the gun wouldn't have bullets.  Because Leo was never outside the lighthouse.  He was doing this all inside that room in his mind.  He looked deranged and he was dancing around.  Perhaps he just gets worse and worse, he starts out nice and civil, a US Marshal who is seeking vengeance.  But then he starts shooting guns and stuff so they have to basically put him down mentally.  That is the scene in the end, notice how it mirror the scene on the boat.  He is on the boat right now getting ready to go again, and Ruffalo knows it.  
  •  Finally realize the hints that he beat up Jackie Earl Haley (sp).  
  • All the orderlies react so harshly when that one guy said he left to go to the bathroom, as if it was such a horrible thing to do over a 12 hour shit.  Overreaction? 
(from the first point of it above, obviously if none of it is real, then none of this below existed like we thought it did which would negate it.  The easy way out?)
Sane -
  • Why would they let a mental patient just wander around the facility at all times a day or night?  He also had relative ease getting into ward C.   
  • Guards are shown in the beginning combing the fields.  Presumably for the "lost woman", would they really divert about a dozen resources to on the fringe fields to make it that authentic to Leo.
  •   The woman patient that writes 'run' doesn't look at Ruffalo at all when they bring up his Dr. character.  She would have to be an extremely well trained actor within the movie to be able to pull off that stunt.  
  • That woman in the cave is more convincing than anything, big wild card. 

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