Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Good Girl

 My big knock against this movie is it pushes and perpetuates the unproven theory that marijuana causes infertility.  Not only does it say it in a lot of the synopsi's about the movie but it is a major plot point that they emphasize, along with the character of the husband as a loser in part because he smokes pot.  There have been only a couple studies that I found on this issue where they found that sperm seemed to travel faster and more abnormally in heavy smokers.  Taking into account as much as you can trust university "studies" in this aspect, nothing has been shown that there is a directly correlation between the two, and it probably isn't more than the typical effects of alcohol or certain foods.  Think about it, if you are trying to get people to not smoke pot, what would you say was a side effect to get a big reaction.  I can't have kids if I smoke pot?!  But hey guess what, pot heads have babies, lots of them, and from what I've heard it increases libido.  Not to mention all the horror stories I've heard on how they tested the effects of THC when it was first made illegal.  Such as when they suggested that THC/marijuana kills brain cells, that was after a study they did on monkeys where they hooked them up to gas masks and pumped marijuana smoke constantly for several minutes straight which also cut off brain dependent oxygen.  Great way to prove your study.  You might as well tell a vegan they can't smoke pot because they burn pixies when they light up.  If you edit this film down it almost turns into an anti drug PSA. 

I have come to appreciate the ending of this though.  I used to think how could she have done that to Holden.  But I realized she is just a character in a movie, and is liable to make bad decisions, she tried to do what is best for everyone even if it isn't the best decision.  

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