Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Let the Right One In

Beautiful Poster by Phantom City Creative

It seems that the title refers more to Eli letting the right one in to be her caretaker, then Oskar letting a vampire into his life, or letting a vampire in in general according to their rules.  The whole story sets up Oskar to take over the role of Hakan, a man that is with her in the beginning and that feeds her and finds her victims but is slowly losing his ability to produce results.  The way Eli meets Oskar and builds his character and make sure he is a solid person that could become strong willed, as we see Hakan have to dispose of and move quite a few bodies.  Hakan seems to be very jealous of this new relationship that Eli is forming with him as well, but you can see little nuances that he realizes what is happening and he realizes that she must move on eventually.  Apparently in the book Hakan is more of a pedophile character that she just happens to meet up with and they form a relationship, but as in so many cases this is the movie not the book. It doesn't matter what the book was trying to establish, the movie was taking the story in a somewhat newer direction.  It became more of a story of Eli searching for life partners as a 12 year old vampire since she has to deal with the curse of being immortal.  But will Oskar be different?  Will he turn him?  I give this movie a 7/10.  There is a sequel coming up soon.  I also look forward to seeing the American version. 

Apparently this movie took place in the 1970's, I had no idea, I thought it was present time.  

PS this scene was awesome.

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