Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I give you a salute to the movies, and movies I salute you.  The memories we make watching them, going to them, sitting at home with that special someone when they are on TV.  Next to, or perhaps more recently exceeding politics as the most debated subject in the world.  We could say that movies are on a downward spiral compared to TV shows, the internet, and video games but what are all these really?  Why has TV become so great lately?  Because they resemble great movies with actual character arcs and stories more and more, internet videos are great because fans of the format come up with new and creative ways to show every facet of a motion picture.  Video games?  I will save that for a later blog, but even after playing an immersive video game experience for countless hours, will still get wet at the thought of a 2 hour movie based on the game. We can never look at the film industry as dead because it never will be, same reason why musicals and books never will.  It will just become story telling evolved, more people will go to TV if that becomes better, or more people will make videos for the internet.  It is all entertainment really.  And entertainment will never die, especially since every studio either owns or is owned by someone who also owns internet, publishing, theaters, TV channels, cable providers, etc.     

I wanted to keep this post short and sweet so we can get to the ham of this blog.  So to movies and to story telling I salute you!

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