Sunday, November 27, 2011

Zodiac: Our Justice System Can't Prosecute Evil Genius'

The main theme running through this whole thing is who is the zodiac, where is he going to strike next, who is going to solve it.   Meanwhile all they do is collect evidence upon evidence for 20 years or something.  They question all these different people, worst of the worst suspects, the few dirty.  They pretty much nail them on multiple accounts of damn good similarities, and they find out that these are some pretty evil people in some way.  But there is just all this stupid bureaucracy with it that makes you sick.  Fincher seemed to want to stress this.  You have regular good people who want to make society better and they are trapped like Frodo in that Spider cave. 

Isn't that why gangsters/gangstas hardly ever went to jail.  They always have other people vouching for their whereabouts, and because we just have to take into account that they are telling the truth.  But that's the fucked up thing, then once you do something to make it tougher on gang members, that effects the rest of the society and it limits our freedoms.  The relationship between security and crime is inverse to the nth degree.  A lot of our taxes are going to crime prevention, is that preventing crime or creating more type deal. Not only that but the aforementioned gangs have the resources to find loop holes and the such meaning actual innocent people are in prison while the real trouble makers still roam the streets.  The soldiers are always the ones to go down first.  

They also throw out a lot of evidence based on seemingly inconsequential things.  The hand writing is different?  they spend a little more than needed amount of time on this matter.  And that handwritten expert?  Great life man.  He slips in that little nugget oh handwriting doesn't really change.  If you train yourself, enough pressure and time you can do anything.  Are you trying to tell me that Hannibal Lector couldn't change his handwriting?  Either that's who the Zodiac was, or there were just a bunch of copycats and you just arrest every suspicious mother fucker.  Didn't that one bald guy expose himself to kid?  Just lock him up agian for that sake.  On the account of him being just weird.

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