Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Seinfeld Hurts A Little Now

 After reading the title I realize it does make sense.  Seinfeld is like that big dick boyfriend you met in college.  And I'm not talking about 8" and thick I'm talking about pussy wrecking 12", you know the girl, always making everyone else be insecure.  Sure it was great back then, but after 20 years parts wear down, you're not in the mood 4x a week, and now the once ever 3 months stings a little bit.  You don't recover as fast, you might be messed up from child birth now.  It's kind of like how you don't take to Tequila as well as you used to, you know.  

Sometimes I do veer off into TV land.  Let's face it they have overcome movies very strongly recently.  I'll watch a re-run 10x a week.  If I TV show is great I'm hooked for 3 months on Netflix.  Rarely do I even consider a movie great now a days.  Not to mention TV has about 10-20 (depending on who you ask) great TV shows going on now that are must see and watched by a few million people each week at least (basically a movie that would gross about $30-$40 million a week at now a days ticket prices and lot more kick back from those on DVD.  In a sitting I watch about 3 Mad Men and if you strung those together and called it a movie I'd rate it a 8/10.  TV has definitely overtaken movies in every way, and movies are just too afraid to admit it.  They still like to think they are the big brother, they came first, blah, blah. But the box took over the office in the 1950's and films have been on the decline ever since.  That is the real cash cow, the golden calf.  We all worship it!  Holy shit, JESUS!  But in the end it's basically all visual entertainment story telling.  One in the same.  I guess it all comes down to I'd watch 5 hours of a TV show in a heart beat, but it would have to be a very special occasion to watch a 5 hour movie.  Movies are the easy way out I guess.  Maybe I'll have to re-evaluate everything

Anyway.  I can't help but hate Seinfeld a little bit now.  It's just not as good as it once was, and hurts a little bit to watch it.  Oh it is still great in every sense, but something doesn't seem right, and it feels like it could be better.  Maybe it is because ever since Curb Your Enthusiasm came out I can't help but think of Larry David in the role of George and how awesome that would have been.

PS. Is that Fred Willard?

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