Thursday, February 10, 2011

Half Baked Pro Pot or Anti Pot

Half Baked will be one of my all time favorite comedies probably until the day I die, great sequences, good mix of random moments, visually striking, and has one of the legends Dave Chappelle.  But I was recently thinking was this setup as a pro pot movie or anti pot movie.  I could see certain elements relating to anti-pot since the studios financed it and wouldn't want to come off as pro-drug for financial and commercial reasons.  There seems to be somewhat of a character arc for Thurgood going from complete Stoner, to seeing the seedy underbelly of drug use and coming out clean in the end.   

Reasons for Anti
  • Mary Jane makes Thurgood quit smoking in order to be with her and he does
  • Mary Jane's father is in prison for selling it
  • None of them have any "high" society jobs, and the only one that does somewhat, Kenny, ends up in prison, the rest have stereotypical stoner jobs, fast food, janitor, record store clerk
  • There is a part where they say marijuana effects the memory
  • They are labeled potheads during a negative connotation scene
  • The one who smokes the most, Sir Smokes-a-lot, is a complete wreck, needs a backiotomy, is impotent and they seem to relate it to that he smokes a pound a week
  • The cops almost don't bust SAMPSON! because they are too high 
  • While they are selling it and meeting all the different stoners none of them, except maybe Snoop and Willie, seem to mentally be stable.  Thurgood and Scarface are a little scared of the creative and enhancement ones.  
  • They are 4 adult humans living in a tiny cramped apartment with no bedrooms and a dude perpetually passed out on the couch
  • It takes them a whole night to realize that Kenny is gone, maybe even more since Kenny seems to go through the whole judicial process overnight
  • They don't get laid as often as they like, until Thurgood meets Mary Jane but he hasn't had sex since high school it would appear

 Reasons for Pro
  • During the addiction meeting people call Thurgood out because it is only marijuana.  Someone even says marijuana is not a drug along with did you ever suck dick for coke
  • It makes up most of the movie obviously
  •  As a rebuttal to the one above, Sir Smokes-a-lot is also the best one off financially
  •  There is a pharmaceutical lab (Frankensense and Burr) conducting experiments with it to show that it may have many different uses
  • A grandma is smoking, saying how good it is for her glaucoma and arthritis
  • I bet most of the actors, writers, crew working around the movie were pro-pot, and some were on weed and they were able to make a movie, which is a hard thing to do
  • Everyone thinks that Brian is a crazy stoner, until his magic pouch ends up actually saving the day
  • They all have jobs period, except the dude on the couch
  • The detectives all seem to care about Sampson selling the cocaine and heroin
  • Which they end up quitting to start their own business 
  • They are 4 friends living together and enjoying life until one goes to jail
  •  They are 4 stoners who end up taking down a major drug cartel
 I don't know, maybe it's both though, maybe both is happening at the same.  I think it says it's okay to smoke weed, it's fun, makes life a little bit better, just do it responsibly, don't let it consume your life like Sir Smokes-a-lot.  Yeah.  

1 comment:

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