Saturday, February 19, 2011

Movies that make you not want to do ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________!

Let me just preface this by saying movies do kind of fuck you up psychologically if they hit that chord with you.  You know how you watch a scary movie, makes you double check that you locked the door and shit.  But there are just some movies that after I see them I can't do a certain thing for a really long time, because they did it in a movie and it just made me sick to my stomach to even think about doing it.  And it takes a special movie to do something like that.  Like Boogie Nights didn't make me want to stop coke or doing porn etc.  So here are my all time movies for that:

Leaving Las Vegas - Didn't want to Drink for a Really long time...

This film will always hold that special place in my heart for being the first movie to do something like this to me.  If that's part of what they were going for, then way to go.  You probably made a lot of alcoholics stop and I commend them.  Honestly when he made that 99 to 1 perecent screw driver in the shower I almost puked.

Owning Mahoney - Made me want to stop gambling.
This is a very underrated classic from Phillips Seymour Hoffman's cocoon to butterfly stage.  Basically from 2000-2004, PSH fucking owned acting but no one really gave him credit for a lot of things he did.  You had Love Liza, this, Punch Drunk Love (best part), 25th hour, Cold Mountain, Red Dragon, Almost Famous.  But that is why he is kicking shit right now and why everyone sucked his dick with Capote.  That was the years he was honing his craft.

This really showed that gambling is the sickest addiction you can have because anyone can have it really.  You kind of have to climb a mountain of failure to get into coke and heroin, but gambling is so easy and it is there and you think you always have it.  Think about it, how much are you up on the house, how entertaining is that for you??

I can't really explain it but Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back made me realize that the girl I was currently dating that it would never work out between us.  She wasn't even watching it with me and I don't know what it was.  Partially due to Shannon Elizabeth's entrance okay.  But I ended up not breaking up with her for another 2 years so you can tell how well that turned out for me. 

What are some of these movies for you?

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