Friday, April 22, 2011

The Nines a Poor Man's Smart Movie

 Here is a summary of The Nines in case you were interested in watching, crazy shit, stupid shit, crazy shit, stupid shit, crazy shit, stupid shit, oh he is a God so it all makes sense.  I didn't think it was possible to have a twist ending any more tired than "it was all a dream". That's all you could come up with?  Couldn't figure out how to tie every stupid strange thing together other than he's a God so he can make and do whatever he wants?  It basically absolves the creator, cough John August cough cough, of any responsibility in developing an intricate, multi layered story, that concludes the characters in innovative yet sobering ending.  It absolves him from making a movie.  

What is the right religion?  Don't know, check out The Nines, it makes it's own religion up.  So not only does it try to use the tired twist, but it doesn't even base itself in any kind of historic version of a deity which may make it somewhat interesting and enjoyable.  You say nuh uh, there was some Scientology based crap.  Okay but I can say there is also buddhist beliefs throughout.  That is the point he can do anything and tie back to his god in his made up religion that will make it seem smart because in some inconsequental way it reminds someone of this one religion.  The ability to do anything you want is the mind of child, which ah is cute for a few minutes, but try listening to one for an hour and a half, then they say and he was a god the end.  I picture a four year old actually telling the ending to the Nines.  

Hey why don't we just end every movie where  the characters are all martians that crashed on Earth and only the stupid ones survived we are all brain dead martians.  like we kind of get technology right, but we ruin things a lot.  We are children and sadly will always be.  Because movies shouldn't be like that.  Because if every movie were like that it would suck, not the same movie but the basic story. If every movie shouldn't be like it then no movie should be like it.  

I have respect for John August too.  He is very independent and is open to the fans, and teaches good screenwriting techniqueswhich is great, but The Nines was shit, not to mention Big Fish kind of sucked. 

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